Okay, gonna try bloggin on a more consistent basis..here goes! I'm going to try to update everyone on what's been goin on. Here's a picture of Casey Jones(sans armor) from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that just came out. I'll show a design sketch a little later. I was the character design lead and I got to work with my pals Jose Lopez and Tom Perkins. Both of those guys did an incredible job making the movie come to life. Kudos to Pez and Perkinstock.
I finished my time on The Batman with season 4 and it was the most fun I'd ever had in animation. Season 4 was incredible, being able to work alongside Mike Jelenic, Jane Espenson, Doug Petrie, Paul Dini, the list goes on. The two part finale which Espenson and Petrie wrote are airing at the end of this month on Kids WB, so keep an eye out!
I'm working at Google now on a secret project that will knock people's socks off, and I can't wait to show it everyone when it's ready. The guys involved are kicking much booty. It's a blessing to be able to work with a lot of my buddies and have free lunches.
Periodically on the weekends, I'll have time to work on a Marvel DTV that I can't mention yet, but I'm sure will bring drool to the mouths of comic geeks everywhere(myself included)!
Yo Jeff! Nice to see you giving updates! I can't wait to see what you got brewing over at...Google? Hmm...knowing you it's gonna be big. Congrats man! And you don't have to drive so far anymore. Nice! Keep up the awesome work!
4:57 PM
Well, now I know why I loved the movie so much. I had no idea you did the designs. I never miss an episode the batman and I study your work all the time. Thanks for sharing the process and time.
8:45 AM
Oh so your the one that's did this to the TMNT movie your the one who made it a sight that I'd love to see every day, where do you get off, by now I'm speaking Ironicly and I have nothing, but good things to say, great job!!
3:11 AM
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